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Mosaic Art: A New Cycle of Evolution

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Mosaics: A New Cycle of Evolution

The splendor of a delicately crafted entity points to the splendor of the craftsmanship. The splendor of the craftsmanship points to the splendor of the influence which was the source of the craftsmanship. The splendor of the name of the craftsman’s art points to the splendor of the craftsman’s aspects manifested in his art”. Said Nursi


In this status-driven world, we became able to make our preferences at no cost. Social media and our ever increasing use of computer technology had played a major role in unveiling our eyes and gave us free admission to infinite variety, knowledge, and information. Consequently, when everything became seemingly possible, our efforts have shifted to a different level. One of our greatest struggles today is avoiding stereotypes and seeking innovative ways to communicate our uniqueness and express our individuality.

ornamenting streets

Going back 4,000 years or more, mosaic art was a principle and a form of expression. It was the art that complemented the architecture and was considered to be an impressive asset. Nowadays, you see mosaic murals and artworks everywhere, ornamenting streets or decorating homes and monuments.

mosaic art

Dolce & Gabbana’s

Mosaics in home decor, mosaic art for walls, mosaic art for floors, tables, and home accessories: They’re all two-to-a-penny.

Today, a new vision promises an unfolding turmoil in this art form to turn our wardrobes into an art gallery and our bodies into a three-dimensional canvas of all colors and square shapes. Calling this a new cycle of evolution was a bit challenging because this trend has been around since early 2014 when a collection of mosaic icons exploded onto Dolce & Gabbana’s runway.

medium are promised

Although, they put so much passion in their mosaic collection, and in creating mosaics on shoes, dresses, jewels, and bags, but unfortunately their collection turned out to be short-lived and somehow failed to become a “Prêt à porter” craze.

Dolce&Gabbana’s collection sparked a controversial debate and spotlighted the religious byzantine icons instead the mosaic art form itself. But, as Steve Jobs once said, ‘People With Passion Can Change The World’, a revival and reformation of the medium are promised to hit the runways very soon!

Science of fashion design
Mosaic Fashion Afflatus

A stimulating movement initialized to discuss the medium’s comeback challenges the way we consider mosaic art in the near future.

A never-seen-before whole out of distinct pieces as the new frontier for fashion encroachment, mosaic “Ready-to-wear” collection by internationally celebrated fashion architects, will break a new ground in the Science of fashion design.

mosaic art

In the meantime, let us continue to honor the passion, artistry, and craftsmanship in the color, texture, rhythm, reflection, refraction and modularity of Dolce & Gabbana Winter 2014 “Mosaic Fashion Afflatus”:

Mosaic art as a fashion trend is currently in its development phase, and it’s meant to hit the nail on the head, to hopefully craft wonder-filled and pixilated wardrobes.

mosaic art


Photos Credits: Be creative

What do you think this promised “Ready-To-Wear” mosaic collection will be like?

How would you define Dolce&Gabbana’s collection, and if you had the chance to pick one of these for your wardrobe, which one would you choose and why? I’d love to hear your feedback!

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