
Mosaic Art: Is It Timeless or Timely?

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In a recent blog post, I focused on the several mores and historical episodes of mosaic art and mused on the medium’s timelessness and hustle, through an odyssey across space and back through time. Mosaic Art became a home décor trend only in the last 10 years or so. The medium has evolved into its own home interior art form. Gone are the days of simple squares and flat colors; in today’s homes, mosaics are achieving ever-increasing visual appeal.

Historically, this art form has been in a process of constant evolution and closely intertwined with the history of art and antiquity.People are becoming more interested in the art and science of mosaics. However, it’s hard to identify if it’s going to bond or disperse down in history as the next trends of bygone eras. Home decor trends come and go and suddenly, come back again. With many emerging mosaic designs, some will have a persistent power, and some will disperse with cozy breakfast nooks.Where the question remains:

How long will the trend last? Is it Timeless or Timely, and what should I expect in the coming year? All wonders worth soliciting and luckily, I prepared some answers and forecasts for you as you settle for making the right verdict.


This article offers some helpful tips to effectively bring mosaic art into your dwelling, adding timeless designs or tantalizing textures and avoiding timely/trendy crazes!


A blend of both, timeless and trendy mosaic art, just like interior decorating splices within contemporary standards by using archetypal/classic subjects and today’s trends to craft an influential equilibrium that will persuade the homeowner for quite some time. Timely mosaic designs, are mosaics in a timeless outline, rendered in a trendy gloom. Opt for your desired patterns, colors, textures and designs, in order to avoid boomerang with a timely mosaic.


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mosaic art


While timely mosaics would satisfy the homeowner, timeless mosaics would never go out of style, regardless of the latest crazes and timing. Trending to draw inspiration from conventional, classic styles, as a way to sway a timeless feel. Casual and elegant, the timeless mosaic artworks lack the fundamentals of time periods and eras. Therefore, it could appear on your walls/floors/back-splash at any moment or occasion. Opt for neutral colors and natural marble mosaics instead of glass, in order to perceive timelessness.


mosaic art

mosaic art


Trendy mosaic artworks are comprised of the latest innovations and mediums. New, hot patterns and designs composed of fragile smalti glass or hip colors, often bright and electrifying. This trend is usually advertised as the most current approach to improving home interiors. Nonetheless, there’s no way to tell how long this mainstream craze will remain in vogue. While some trends last for ages and turn out to timeless aspects, most are expected to melt away sooner or later. It’s quite like having a mosaic based on annual color schemes. The piece would appear fresh and modish in that year, but a new color will take its place in the following year or so.


Although trend can become permanent in our lives and homes, but at the end of the day keeping it safe with a timeless feel, will avert you from all the candy colored diamonds you would eventually move on from. Last but not least, many design obsessions, epochs and trends can get us perplexing trying to pick a mosaic, painting or dress. In order to pick the ideal, one must always think about the “T” trinity and know the difference between timely, timeless and trendy.

Timeless, timely or a new candy colored diamonds obsessions: Which Would You Choose?

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